Soci 4170: Environmental Sociology
Spring, 2025, T/TR 3:30-4:50
Business Building, Rm 050
(must be completed by all students)
The grades are posted by the private ID number (Code #) you provided to Dr. Yeatts on the
If you have not turned in a Student Information sheet, please do so ASAP (click on it above).
If you have any questions regarding your grades,
feel free to set up an appointment with Dr. Yeatts.
Study Abroad: Sociology in Spain
Available Undergraduate Sociology Scholarships
(some available for lower GPAs, transfer Students, etc)
First Test
Your test questions will be drawn from these
(be sure to check back for any revisions/additions)Test 1 covers:
Second Test
Possible Essay Questions for Test 2:
Your test questions will be drawn from the these (Stuart Chapter 3 will not be included on Test 2).Test 2 covers:
The Sociology Club Officers will be in the second-floor hallway of Sycamore Hall outside of 288 from 10:00 to 12:00 Tuesday 3/4 (TOMORROW) with FREE donuts and coffee to provide a de-stressing time for students during Midterm exams. Everyone is invited. No need to be a Sociology Major or Minor. We have a very inclusive club! The goal is to share coffee and donuts and have a de-stressing moment with others. Please consider attending.
Third Test
Possible Essay Questions for Test 3:
Your test questions will be drawn from these (be sure to check back for any revisions/additions)
Test 3 covers:
Stuart, Chapter 3
Stuart, Chapter 4
Stuart, Chapter 5
Fourth Test
Possible Essay Questions for Test 4
Your test questions will be drawn from these (be sure to check back for any revisions/additions)
Test 4 covers:
Hannigan, Chapter 5
Hannigan, Chapter 7
Hannigan, Chapter 8
(Great Lakes case study if time allows)